
Increase your productivity and

profitability with Eleveight's

automation solutions.

Increase your productivity and profitability with Eleveight's automation solutions.


Eleveight's automation solutions optimise processes, automate

tasks, and drive digital initiatives to enhance productivity and

profitability. We analyse workflows, identify inefficiencies, and

develop customised solutions for your business.

Eleveight's automation solutions optimise processes, automate tasks, and drive digital initiatives to enhance productivity and profitability. We analyse workflows, identify inefficiencies, and develop customised solutions for your business.

We streamline workflows, reduce costs, and improve efficiency by eliminating unnecessary steps.

Case Studies

Our automation services eliminate manual effort, reduce errors, and enable employees to focus on high-value activities.

Case Studies

We facilitate the adoption of digital tools through training, support, and monitoring to maximize their benefits.

Case Studies

Eleveight's Note Automation Tool

Eleveight's note automation tool is

designed to help businesses

automate their document

creation processes and reduce

manual intervention.

Eleveight's note automation tool is designed to help businesses automate their document creation processes and reduce manual intervention.

Our tool automates template-based documents such as
Docs, PPTs, and PDFs, updating data at specific intervals,
scheduled or unscheduled. By eliminating manual data
entry, our tool reduces errors and saves valuable time,
resulting in significant cost savings for businesses.

How does it work?


Choose the
relevant template

Our tool offers a range of templates to choose from. You can select the one that best suits your requirements.


Upload input files

Once you have selected the relevant template, you can upload the input files that pertain to the template. Our tool allows you to upload multiple files in one go.


Verify and publish
the output

Our tool generates the output file based on the template and input files. You can verify the output and make any necessary changes before publishing the final document.

Eleveight Cost Savings

On average, we expect our note automation tool to save

businesses INR 6 - 10 lakh per year in document creation

costs. By automating the document creation process,

our tool frees up resources that businesses can utilize to

focus on other important tasks, improving overall

productivity and profitability.

On average, we expect our note automation tool to save businesses INR 6 - 10 lakh per year in document creation costs. By automating the document creation process, our tool frees up resources that businesses can utilize to focus on other important tasks, improving overall productivity and profitability.


See some of our case studies